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  Practical Mundane Astrology How To judege A mundane Chart

Practical Mundane Astrology How To Judege A Mundane Chart

by J.C.Luthra

  Price : Rs 200.00
  Your Price : Rs 200.00
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  The present book, as the title indicates, deals with the basic principles of Mundane Astrology and has been written, after long years of hard work, experience and research in the subject and after several predictions based on clues, discovered during research, came true. It will prove useful both to the beginner and the advanced students since it starts with the rudimentaries of the Science and goes upto the advanced level. A companion volume titled How to Judge a Mundane Chart deals exclusively with the method of scientific analysis and interpretation of different types of Mundane Charts and contains practical examples of interpretations. In fact, very few books, exclusively on the subject, exist in the market, as this branch of science has all along been neglected by the astrologers, both Indian and Western, presumably because it seemed to be non-profitable in comparison to other branches like Natal, Horary, Commercial, etc.

Nevertheless, this subject being very important, required more attention, as it deals with the nations as a whole, countries and their affairs”whose destiny is obviously far more important than that of the individual. While writing the two books, the predictive aspect has been constantly kept in view and e very chapter has been devoted to predictive techniques, having bearing on the relevant sphere. The present book, as mentioned before, however deals with the basics of the Science. The other book deals exhaustively with predictive techniques.

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