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  Reunderstanding Indian Philosophy Some Glimpses

Reunderstanding Indian Philosophy Some Glimpses

by S.S. Barlingay,

  Price : Rs 950.00
  Your Price : Rs 760.00
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  What is Philosophy?

Is it determined by any geographical boundaries? Does it emerge out of cultural patterns of the society? With such and other basic questions Prof. Barlingay analyses the concepts theories and trends in philosophy as they have developed in our sub-continent over the ages. Although this account of philosophy is called `Indian` he emphasises that the issues discussed by the ancient and medieval philosophers are essentially abstract and there is nothing `Indian` about this philosophy exclusively. Moreover, the understanding of Indian philosophy that has emerged in the past two centuries owes its direction and commitment to Indologist of Western orientation. Prof. Barlingay`s aim is to overview the Indian philosophy as presented by ancient and medieval philosophers and not the `re-routed` interpretation. Hence, he refers to it as a `Re-Understanding`. In this challenging endeavor Prof. Barlingay has discussed in-depth and critically the basic issues and problems raised by the orthodox and unorthodox systems like Carvaka, Jain, Buddhism, Nyaya, Vaishesika, Samkhya, Yoga, Purva Mimamsa and Vedanta. The book is replete with his logical reasoning. Within its anthropological context the author establishes a epistemological, metaphysical and axiological significance of the Indian philosophy offering the reader a unique insight in the subject.

ISBN : 9788124601075

Pages : 371
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