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  Intelligence: A Security Weapon

Intelligence: A Security Weapon

by D.C. Pathak

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 464.10
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  This is the first ever produced book on the management of an Intellegence organisation in India written by a former Chief of Intelligence Bureau. Enriched by the personal experiences of the author , the book highlights the challenges that intelligence community faces from the new forms of terrorism , domestic fault lines ant the other threats arising out of the Age of Knowledge. The book details the trade craft of intelligence and recommends administrative and attitudianal improvements that are needed to ugrade the function of intelligence to its right ful place in the national strategic framework. The book looks into the furture and gives a timely reminder thath the world is forwarding to the Age of Intelligence in which far greater dfemands would be made on nations, corporate and individuals citizens waiting to gain and retain a competative edge.

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