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  Security in South Asia: Comprehensive and Co-operative

Security In South Asia: Comprehensive And Co-Operative

by Maj. General Dipankar Banerjee

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 386.10
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  Ten years after the end of Cold War, South Asia stands almost amoung the regions where the potential for conflict remain high. The situation was furthur aggravated by the nuclear tests in the region in May 1998. This had led to avoidable tension, High military spending and lack of economic co-operation among its menber countries. As a result , South Asia is amoung the poorest regions in the world, with human development indices even worse than Sub Saharan Africa. It is imperative thath this cycle of tension and conflicts is broken. The only way out to develop alternative approaches to security. Ine such alternative is comprehensive and co-operative security. Ideas which have emerged in recent years in Europe and Asia may be adapted usefully in SOuth Asia. The book is an attempt at understanding the security concers of individual countries of South Asia.

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