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  Terror on the High Seas

Terror On The High Seas

by Aditya Bakshi

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 386.10
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  "Terror Tuesday " saw terrorists leveragiing the resources of the Civil Aviation Industry to stage catastrophic mega terror event. This book seeks to alert the world about the next set of targets for mega terror strikes by successors of the Al-Qaeda. Out on the high Seas is a huge vulnerability-just waiting to be struck. UNCTAD estimates that 5.8 billion tons of goods werw traded by sea in 2001 and 80% of the world trade was carried by 46000 vessels serving nearly 4000 ports in the world. This is the massive new vulnerability . The question of terror strikes on the high sea is not a question but of when and where. This book analyses the threats and the responces by IMO and individual countries. Written by a Merchant Navy Officer, with extensive sailing experience, all over the globe , this book is an invaluable warning of looming dangers.

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