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  Overcoming Crisis in Leadership: Indian Army

Overcoming Crisis In Leadership: Indian Army

by Brig. K.Kuldip Singh

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 464.10
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  The book provides a window through which the reader can have , firstly a view of certain crucial issues petaining to the Indian Army and secondly an insight into what the author percives is a malaise infecting the moral and professional fibre of the armed forces , which warrants an earnest soul searching exercise for prompt rectification. Besides reviewing the recruitment policy , the book analyses ans question the rational for maintaining a large standing Army which the author belives is at the cost of modernisation and nation`s economic development. The book reviews the existing leadership tenor, with a special reference to erosion in the traditional values and comes to the finding that while the men and junior leadership inthe armed forces have acquitted themselves with credit in all wars and operation since independence, much remains to be desired inthe professional and ethical qualities of seniour leadership. A stronge case has been made for restructuring the Army based on the indianisation of its ethos and reforming the military system.

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