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  International Marketing : Analysis and Strategy, 3rd Edi.

International Marketing : Analysis And Strategy, 3Rd Edi.

by Onkvisit & Shaw

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 420.75
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  This excellent book offers a good balance between theory and practice while providing solid theoretical and conceptual foundations to international marketing. The approach is analytical rather than merely descriptive, with an emphasis throughout on the management perspective.

Table of Contents
Preface. PART 1: OVERVIEW OF WORLD BUSINESS_Nature of International Marketing: Challenges and Opportunities. Trade Theories and Economic Development. Trade Distortions and Marketing Barriers. PART 2: WORLD MARKET ENVIRON-MENT_Political Environment. Legal Environment. Culture. Consumer Behavior in the International Context: Psychological and Social Dimensions. PART 3: PLANNING FOR INTERNATIONAL MARKETING_Marketing Research and Information System. Market Analysis and Foreign Market Entry Strategies. PART 4: INTERNATIONAL MARKETING DECISIONS_Product Strategies: Basic Decisions and Product Planning. Product Strategies: Branding and Packaging Decisions. Distribution Strategies: Channels of Distribution. Distribution Strategies: Physical Distribution and Documentation. Promotion Strategies: Personal Selling, Publicity, and Sales Promotion. Promotion Strategies: Advertising. Pricing Strategies: Basic Decisions. Pricing Strategies: Terms of Sale and Payment. PART 5: SPECIAL TOPICS: FINANCIAL ENVIRONMENT AND DECI-SIONS_Sources of Financing and International Money Markets. Currencies and Foreign Exchange. Indexes.ISBN 9788120312388

Pages : 768
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