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  Laghu Parasari (Jataka Chandrika)

Laghu Parasari (Jataka Chandrika)

by O.P.Verma

  Price : Rs 100.00
  Your Price : Rs 100.00
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  This is a brief introductory work with impetus on the Dasa-Bhukti results of various planets depending on the lordships of various houses of a horoscope. Briefly and concisely much information is enunciated about the principles of Vimsottari or Udu Dasa system. The work is published hereby with text, translation and exhaustive notes that limit light in a lucide way the hidden meaning and principles in each verse. A Very informative and instructive work or primer on Maharishi Parasara`s Dasa system, the Vimsottari Dasa system. This work primarily deals in Golden Principles of Parasara system of astrology to unlock the doors of destiny.

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