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  Tajik Neelkanthi

Tajik Neelkanthi

by D.P.Saxena

  Price : Rs 200.00
  Your Price : Rs 200.00
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  Daivanja Nelkanthi first time introduced the concept of progressed horoscope called the Varshapala or the annual chart based on sound astrological principles. The concept of Sahams and the unique system of the Dasas within a smaller period of a year are some of the most important contributations of the Acharya. While the natal astrology gives us a general outline of life of the nativce the Varshaphala gives detail of the events that may occur during each year. Tajik Neelkanthi integrates the Arabic thought in the Vedic Astrological Principles. This has also proved to be a good treatise on horary astrology. Thje system of application of aspects in the form of 16 well known yogas is an added service to astrology. The work, in fact is not only a classic of the first order but also a scripture in its own right. We need not only its translation in out languages but also well concieved commentraly by a renowned Astrologer, useful to the neophytes but also to the accomplished astrologers.

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