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  Peace Process and Peace Accords

Peace Process And Peace Accords

by Edi. By Samir Kumar Das

  Price : Rs 650.00
  Your Price : Rs 585.00
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  The second volume in teh South Asian Peace Studies series, Perace Processes and Peace Accords looks at the political questions of peace from three perspectives: the process of peace; the contention issues involved in the peace process and the ideologies that come in conflict in this process. Arguing that peace is not a one time event to be achieved and rejoiced over but a matter to be sustained against various odds, the contributors show that the sustainability of peace depends on a foundation of rights, justice and democracy. Peace accords, they maintain , are only a moment in the process - the very act of signing an accord could mark either a continuation of same conflict, or simply its metamorphosis. Therefore as this volume shows, `negotiations` should be redifined as `joint problem-solving` on a long term sustainability basis, rather than `one - off hard bargaining`. ISBN 0761933905

Pages : 320
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