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  Oracle Database Administration: The Essential Reference

Oracle Database Administration: The Essential Reference

by David Kreines,Brian Laskey

  Price : Rs 325.00
  Your Price : Rs 276.25
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  Oracle database administration requires a vast amount of information and an ability to perform a myriad of tasksfrom installation to tuning to network troubleshooting to overall daily administration. Oracle provides many tools for performing these tasks; the trick is knowing what tool is right for the job, what commands you need to issue (and when), and what parameters and privileges you need to set. And, as every DBA knows, you need to know how do all this under pressure, while you face crisis after crisis. This book provides a concise reference to the enormous store of information an Oracle DBA needs every day (as well as what`s needed only when disaster strikes). It`s crammed full of quickreference tables, task lists, and other summary material that both novice and expert DBAs will use time and time again. It covers the commands and operations new to Oracle8, but also provides Oracle7 information for sites still running earlier versions. Oracle Database Administration provides two types of material: DBA taskschapters summarizing how to perform critical DBA functions: installation, performance tuning, preventing data loss, networking, security and monitoring, auditing, query optimization, and the use of various Oracle tools and utilities DBA referencechapters providing a quick reference to the Oracle instance and database, the initialization (INIT.ORA) parameters, the SQL statements commonly used by DBAs, the data dictionary tables, the system privileges and roles, and the SQL*Plus, Export, Import, and SQL*Loader syntax The book also includes a resource summary with references to additional books, Web sites, and other online and offline resources of special use to Oracle DBAs. Oracle Database Administration is the single essential reference you`ll turn to again and again. If you must choose only one book to use at the office, keep at home, or carry to a site you`re troubleshooting, this will be that book.About the AuthorBrian Laskey is a senior database administrator for Management Information Consulting (MIC), a Virginiabased consulting firm that specializes in assisting Fortune 1000 companies in ERP systems integration and ecommerce. Brian has been an Oracle database administrator for 11 years, working with Oracle on MVS, VMS, UNIX, NT, DOS, and Windows. He is an Oracle Certified Professional, certified as a DBA for both Oracle 7.3 and Oracle 8.0. He has presented papers at the IOUW and IOUGA Live! conferences, as well as at regional conferences. He is currently serving his second term as vice president of finance of the International Oracle Users GroupAmericas, and has been a member of the board of directors of the IOUGA for the past two years. He has just been reelected to the IOUGA board for a term to expire in 2001.David Kreines is the Manager of Database Services for Rhodia, Inc., and author of Oracle SQL: The Essential Reference (O`Reilly & Associates, 2000) and coauthor of Oracle in a Nutshell (with Rick Greenwald) (O`Reilly & Associates, 2002), Oracle Database Administration: The Essential Reference (with Brian Laskey) (O`Reilly & Associates, 1999) and Oracle Scripts (with Brian Lomasky) (O`Reilly & Associates, 1998). Dave has worked with Oracle as a developer and database administrator since 1985, on a wide variety of platforms, from PCs to mainframes. He is an Oracle Certified Professional, is certified as a DBA, and has been a frequent contributor to Oracle conferences, user groups, and publications, both in the United States and in Europe. Dave served two terms as president of the International Oracle Users Group Americas (IOUGA), and spent ten years on the board of directors.

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