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  Professional XML for .Net Developers

Professional Xml For .Net Developers

by Dinar Dalvi,Joe Gray,Bipin Joshi,Fredrik Normen

  Price : Rs 550.00
  Your Price : Rs 467.50
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  XML is now an established technology for the description and transportation of data, and has made a major impact on almost every aspect of software development. When Microsoft introduced the .NET Framework, they took advantage of XML wherever they could. No other technology is so tightly bound with .NET as XML, both at the developer level and underlying the whole framework. This book aims to give the reader enough information to be able to use XML from within the .NET Framework in the most efficient manner possible. It will explain in detail the usage of all the XMLrelated .NET Framework library classes for the manipulation, validation, transformation, and serialization of XML data, using both C# and Visual Basic .NET. It also looks at how the developer can utilize the full power of XML within the .NET Framework, for example, with the new XML capabilities of ADO.NET and ASP.NET. As is demonstrated, the .NET Framework itself uses XML, in configuration files, meta data, and C#`s XML code documentation mechanism, for example. This book is aimed at intermediatelevel programmers who have started on their journey towards .NET development, and who want to see how to use XML within their applications to its best advantage. Basic knowledge of C# or Visual Basic .NET, XML, and XML related technologies (XSLT, XPath, and XML Schemas) is necessary. This book covers:Reading and writing XMLDOM navigation and XSL transformations of XMLValidating and serializing XMLMSXML vs System.XmlADO.NET and ASP.NET XML supportWeb Services and SOAPRemotingXML code documentation.About the Author Dinar Dalvi works as a Senior Software Engineer in the Bay Area, and is responsible for prototyping and developing scalable Internet/Client Server applications using Microsoft Technologies. About a year and a half ago he was introduced to the .NET Framework, and has been hanging around .NET ever since. Darshan Singh is a Senior Developer at InstallShield Software Corporation. He has more than five years of experience as a software developer, and during this period, he has worked for Microsoft, Talisma, Persistent Systems Pvt. Ltd. (Pune, India), and Spectrum (India), with major focus on databases and component technologies. Kevin Williams is a Senior System Architect for Equient, an information management. His career has been focused on Windows development first clientserver, then onto Internet work. He`s done everything, but these days he`s focusing on XML work. He may be reached for comment at kevin@realworldxml.com.

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