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  Economics With Infotrac: A Contemporary Introduction 6/E

Economics With Infotrac: A Contemporary Introduction 6/E

by William A. Mceachern

  Price : Rs 1700.00
  Your Price : Rs 1445.00
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  This very successful textbook is distinguished by a superior writing style that draws upon common student experiences to introduce economic concepts, making economic theory more accessible and interesting. "Case Studies" and numerous examples take advantage of students` intuitive knowledge of economics, building upon reallife situations. A streamlined design places pedagogy and illustrations directly within the flow of the text, making it less distracting and more useful for students. A fully integrated program of technology enhancements sets this text apart by pairing the book with numerous online multimedia learning tools that have been developed to help the text better serve a wide range of learning styles. The text uniquely integrates classroom use of The Wall Street Journal by including a complimentary student subscription offer, as well as intext pedagogy to help students learn to analyze the latest economic events as reported in the Journal. McEachern is also available in macro and micro paperback splits. About the AuthorWilliam A. McEachern began teaching large sections of economic principles when he joined the University of Connecticut in 1973. In 1980, he started offering teaching workshops around the country. In 2000, the University of Connecticut Alumni Association conferred on him its Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award. He has published books and monographs in public finance, public policy, and industrial organization. His research has also appeared in a variety of journals, including Economic Inquiry, National Tax Journal, Journal of Industrial Economics, Kyklos, and Public Choice. He is Founding Editor of The Teaching Economist, a newsletter that focuses on teaching economics at the college level, and is Founding Editor of The Connecticut Economy: A University of Connecticut Quarterly Review. Professor McEachern has advised federal, state, and local governments on policy matters and directed a bipartisan commission examining Connecticut`s finances. He has been quoted in media such as the New York Times, London Times, Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor, USA Today, and Reader`s Digest. He was born in Portsmouth, N.H., earned an undergraduate degree with honors from Holy Cross College, spent three years in the army, and earned an M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Virginia.

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