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  Oracle Replication: Snapshot, Multi-Master & Materialized Views Scripts - Includes Oracle 10

Oracle Replication: Snapshot, Multi-Master & Materialized Views Scripts - Includes Oracle 10

by John Garmany,Robert Freeman

  Price : Rs 250.00
  Your Price : Rs 212.50
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  This book is an indispensable reference for any Oracle DBA who must ensure the consistency of data across distributed platforms. With the advent of cheap disk and fast worldwide connectivity, many Oracle professionals recognize the benefits of distributing Oracle data. However, Oracle multimaster replication is extremely complex and timeconsuming to implant. This book addresses the complexity of Oracle replication by providing working code examples and illustration from working systems. The text covers all areas of Oracle replication, including snapshots, using dbms_job to refresh snapshots, multimaster replication and conflict resolution mechanisms.Written by a distinguished graduate of West Point, Col. Garmany leverages his 20+ years of experience into an indispensable guide for any Oracle professional who must quickly implement Oracle snapshot and multimaster replication. A noted instructor, author and lecturer, Col. John Garmany leverages his ability to explain complex issues in Plain English into a oneofakind book.This handy reference contain working examples of snapshot and multimaster replication to allow you to get started quickly with your Oracle replication structure. Packed with useful notes and an online code deport, this reference show every aspect of Oracle snapshot replication including syntax for refresh intervals, managing snapshot logs, monitoring Oracle replication refresh timings and much more.Best of all, this is the only book that describes the intricacies of Oracle multimaster replication and provides working code examples of complex multimaster replication. Includes a section on Oracle replication tuning and monitoring, this is a musthave book for all Oracle professionals who replicate their data.Key Features:Presents working syntax examples for all area of Oracle replication.Describes the architecture of Oracle multimaster replication in simple terms and provides illustrative examples.Shows working examples of snapshot creation, refresh, and error detection scripts.Details realworld techniques for implement conflict resolution in multimaster replication.Comes with an online code depot with working code examples.About the Authors:Colonel John Garmany is a graduate of West Point, an Airborne Ranger and a retired Lt. Colonel with 20+ years of IT experience. John is an OCP Certified Oracle DBA with a Master Degree in Information Systems, a Graduate Certificate in Software Engineering, and a BS degree (Electrical Engineering) from West Point. A respected Oracle expert and author, John serves as a writer for Oracle Internals, DBAZine and Builder.com. John is the author of Logical Database Design Principles & Practices by CRC Press, the Oracle9iAS Administration Handbook by Oracle Press, Oracle Replication Snapshot, Multimaster & Materialized Views Scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus Reports Fast reporting with SQL and SQL*Plus by Rampant TechPress.Robert Freeman is one of the most famous Oracle experts and author of five popular Oracle books, including Oracle9i RMAN Backup & Recovery and the bestselling Oracle9i New Features book.A master of Martial Arts and a Black Belt in Karate, Freeman is an Oracle7 and Oracle8 Oracle Certified Professional with more than a decade of Oracle experience. An exciting and dynamic speaker, Robert Freeman has taught extensively and is a popular speaker at Oracle conferences.

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