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  Professional SCWCD Certification (BOOK/CD-ROM)

Professional Scwcd Certification (Book/Cd-Rom)

by Sam Dalton,Dan Jeep

  Price : Rs 400.00
  Your Price : Rs 340.00
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  Becoming a Sun Certified Web Component Developer proves that you are knowledgeable in developing web applications with Java Servlets and JavaServer Pages. It will improve your skills, give you confidence, and can even help you get a job. This book will provide the reader with a complete, definitive study guide for gaining a certification pass in the SCWCD exam. Each chapter is structured around one section of the exam objectives and follows it closely. This will help the reader focus on learning what is necessary for the exam without surrounding clutter. By the end of each chapter the reader will have the knowledge required to answer any question on the subject that could appear in the exam. A revision sheet and examstandard questions follow each chapter to further reinforce the topics in that chapter. This doesn`t mean that the book is only useful during the study period. All the objectives are explained using realworld examples so that the reader can come back to the book for reference. In addition to this the book contains a large case study that will integrate all the topics the reader has learned throughout the rest of the book. Java web applications are more than a disparate collection of topics and as such the case study pulls together all the topics in the book to give some context to the whole technology. What is great about this book?The book provides all that you will need to become a fully certified, professional Java web developer. It covers in depth each of the 13 exam objectives and will show you how to make the most of this knowledge in the real world. The book is accompanied with a CD from the popular exam simulator web site whizlabs.com to test the knowledge of the reader and prepare them for the exam conditions. Who is this book for?Anyone who needs a definitive study guide for gaining a certification pass in the SCWCD exam.You will need to be SCP certified to sit the exam.

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