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  Rediscovering Bhutan

Rediscovering Bhutan

by Col. M.N.Gulati

  Price : Rs 795.00
  Your Price : Rs 620.10
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  It is unbelievable but true that in the ancient times, Bhutan was a `Hindu Kingdom`. And like most of Hindus of that period, the inhabitants of Bhotanta` were also worshiping Lord Shiva. Both reffered to him as Bhupathi or Bhutesh. Indian chiefs of Kamarupa, the then Ahom Kingdom rued the rgion till the middle of the 17th century AD. After the death of King Bhaskaravarman , anarchy and instability prevailed in the region leading to large scale immigration from nighbouring Tibet. The Tibetian king Tritsun Destan sent a contigent of Tibetian troops under Lama Dugpani Sheptoon who invaded the Hindu Kingdom during the 19th century, drove out the Indians and occupied the land. The book is the story of those times , subsequent spread of Tibetian culture and Red Hats sect. of mahayana Buddhism.....and Panchen Lama`s intercession with the British on behalf of the Bhutanese and finally the success of British diplomatic coupe resulting in installation of a maharaja whose sucessors broke barriars of isolationism, brought Bhutan in the international comity of nations. The Maharaja became his Mahesty the King of Bhutan, which came under the sphere of influence of the British , and subsequently the Republic of India.

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