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  Fast Track C#

Fast Track C#

by Julian Templeman,K.Scott Allen,Neil Avent,Syed Gilani

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 297.50
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  Aimed at the experienced developer making the leap to C# and .NET, Fast Track C# provides a concise and spoton treatment of the subject that will let any veteran developer get going with Microsoft`s latest programming language and platform quickly.This text`s compact and fastmoving format makes it a strong choice for getting acquainted with the C# language. Without getting bogged down in every detail of .NET, the authors cover the platform`s essential features and advantages before delving into one of the best available languagebased tutorials on C#. From data types and keywords to basic and advanced class design options, there`s good coverage of all the relevant bases here. These sections will be all the competent C/C++ or Java programmer needs to know for getting started with C#.The rest of the book targets essential .NET APIs so that you can get started on your own projects. The focus is on key concepts rather than total coveragejust what the experienced programmer needs.Coverage of string, file I/O, and new support for XML introduces new important .NET APIs. Sections on building clientside applications with Windows Forms are followed by basic Web programming with ASP.NET. We liked the approach to ADO.NET offered here, which shows off some mustknow programming techniques (plus a grid example), but without drowning in detail with this complex set of classes. The text rounds off with a discussion of Web services, surveying the relevant XML standards and some common options here.Overall, this title puts C# within reach with its admirably concise presentation of essential C# language features and core .NET APIs. It`s a winning combination, one that will meet the needs of anyone with some previous Windows programming experience in the C/C++ family of languages. It`s also a good bet for the advanced VB programmer who is considering a switch to C# instead of VB .NET as the next step in his or her learning curve.Richard DraganSatisfies a middleground get up to speed market gap for C# where existing information is either light weight or indepth comprehensive. Covers the essentials of C#, its syntax, and .NET programming. Softcover. C# is a modern, objectoriented language, designed by Microsoft to be the language of choice for programming the .NET Framework. .NET provides a new environment for developing almost any Windowsbased or webbased application. By taking the "Fast Track" to C#, you have a compact guide to this new world. Spanning an extensive range of topics, this book presents a tutorial to the C# language itself, and then takes you deeper into programming the .NET Framework. Fast Track C# delivers the information you need to exploit this exciting new environment, and to start building realworld applications as quickly as possible. This book will help you to quickly learn about the following:Understand what C# is, and how it fits into the .NET FrameworkA concise introduction to all the main features of the C# language, with Java and C++ comparisons notedUsing the .NET base classesWriting and deploying Windows applications with C# and Visual Studio .NET.Creating and configuring .NET assembliesAccessing databases with ADO.NET, and using XML in C#Integrating your existing COM components with the .NET FrameworkCOM+ Services in the .NET FrameworkBuilding web applications with ASP.NET pagesCreating web services in C#.

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