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  Religion Religiosity And Communalism

Religion Religiosity And Communalism

by Praful Bidwai, Harbans Mukhia, A. Vanaik

  Price : Rs 1350.00
  Your Price : Rs 1080.00
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  In this anthology, academics, journalists and activists come together to explore several facets of India`s communal prblem- its history, political settings and theoretical underpinnings. Distinctions as well as converagence between religion, religiosity and communalism are opened up to examination in an analytical perspective at one level and investigation in regional and local contexts at another. The thread that binds the anthology is a look at the problem as dynamic, rather that a given than a given phenomenon: its dynamics would as well allow space for its resolution. The book is a brilliant anthology. ISBN: 81-7304-132-6

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