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  Early Adopter J2SE 1.4,

Early Adopter J2se 1.4,

by James Hart

  Price : Rs 175.00
  Your Price : Rs 148.75
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  The 1.4 release of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition is the most significant upgrade to the functionality of the basic Java platform. The release represents a real commitment by Sun and the Java community to make Java a viable client platform. There are some major new APIs introduced (a new I/O framework, XML support, security, logging, preferences, regular expressions), some upgrades to old favourites (JDBC 3.0, Swing, collections), and for the first time since the introduction of Java 2, a language change the new "assert" function. There are also some interesting developments in the platform`s capabilities as a rich client development environment, which will be increasingly important in the upcoming world of web services. This book presents an assessment of the significance of the changes to the Java 2 platform that Merlin introduces. It looks at the new facilities that have been added, the upgrades that have been provided, and examines what the overall effect of the changes is on application development with Java. The public release beta version of the J2SE 1.4 SDK is used throughout the book to demonstrate some of the platform`s capabilities. Presents and assesses the significance of the changes to the Java 2 platform that Merlin introduces. Throughout the book, the public beta version of the J2SE 1.4 SDK is used to demonstrate the platform`s new capabilities. Softcover. Due for release in quarter 4 of 2001, version 1.4 of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition, is set to be the biggest upgrade to the functionality of the basic Java platform since the release of Java 2 over two years ago. The latest version, until recently known by the codename Merlin, represents a true commitment by Sun and the Java community to turn Java into a viable client platform, after several years of concentrating on the server. Early Adopter J2SE 1.4 presents assesses the significance of the changes to the Java 2 platform that Merlin introduces. We will be looking at functions that have been added or modified, and see how they impact on the Java application developer`s life. Throughout this book, we will use the public beta version of the J2SE 1.4 SDK to demonstrate the platform`s new capabilities. This book covers: Installation and working with the J2SE 1.4 public betaThe new I/O frameworkImprovements for client and GUI applications including JNLPJava`s new builtin XML capabilitiesNew utility functions including preferences and regular expressionsAdditional features to the Java language, such as assertionsA look to the additional features in the future of the Java 2 platform.

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