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  Applied ADO.NET: Building Data-Driven Solutions

Applied Ado.Net: Building Data-Driven Solutions

by Mahesh Chand,David Talbot

  Price : Rs 675.00
  Your Price : Rs 573.75
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  Applied ADO.NET: Building DataDriven Solutions provides extensive coverage of ADO.NET technology, including ADO.NET internals, namespaces, classes, and interfaces. Whereas most books cover only the SQL and OLE DB data providers, authors Mahesh Chand and David Talbot detail the SQL, OLE DB, and ODBC data providers, as well as the latest additions to ADO.NET, the Oracle, MySQL, and XML .NET data providers. Chand and Talbot also cover the internals of data binding and provide detailed coverage of both Windows Forms and Web Forms data binding and databound controls. Because XML plays a major role in .NET development, the authors take a comprehensive look at XML namespaces and classes, and how to integrate both with ADO.NET.The book begins with the basics of ASP.NET and databound controls. It then delves into the internals of data binding and shows how to use DataGrid, DataList, and other databound controls in realworld applications. Chand and Talbot also discuss the ASP.NET guest book, database XML Web services, and even an online bookstore site development and design process. Advanced developers will learn from the coverage of ADO.NET architecture, related design issues, and how ADO.NET data providers are designed. The authors also show how to create a custom data provider. Event handling, serverside programming, data relations and constraints, Active Directory, messaging, exception and error handling, and the object relational model are other topics covered in detail. Author InformationMahesh Chand Mahesh Chand is currently a software developer with Kruse. Inc. He has been working with Microsoft database technologies, including ODBC, DAO, ADO, and OLEDB, for over 5 years. He has a master`s degree in computer science and a bachelor`s degree in mathematics, and he`s also a Microsoft Certified Professional in VC++. Mahesh is the founder of two websites: C# Corner (http://www.csharpcorner.com), one of the largest community sites for .NET developers, and Mindcracker (http://www.mindcracker.com). In addition to his day job, Mahesh writes and programs for C# Corner on C#, VB .NET, ASP .NET, and other .NET technologies, and helps site visitors.David Talbot David Talbot`s background is diverse, ranging from developing licenseplate recognition technology to televisionset boxes to scalable web applications. Currently, David works in the New Business Technologies group at FreeMarkets, applying cuttingedge .NET technologies to solve business problems. He has been working with .NET since the early betas, developing a number of solutions for a number of startups and established companies while working on several .NET books and articles. Prior to the development of .NET, David worked primarily on Java, SCO UNIX, Linux, DB2, SQL Server, and Perl.Table of ContentsChapter 1: ADO.NET Basics Chapter 2: Data Components in Visual Studio .NET Chapter 3: ADO.NET in Disconnected Environments Chapter 4: ADO.NET in Connected Environments Chapter 5: Handling ADO.NET Events Chapter 6: Integrating XML with ADO.NET Chapter 7: Data Binding and Windows Forms DataBound Controls Chapter 8: Constraints and Data Relations Chapter 9: ADO.NET Exception Handling Chapter 10: Working with the ODBC .NET Data Provider Chapter 11: Stored Procedures and Views Chapter 12: Oracle, SQLXML, and Other .NET Data Providers Chapter 13: Developing a Custom Data Provider Chapter 14: Developing Database Web Applications Using ASP.NET Chapter 15: Using ADO.NET in XML Web Services Chapter 16: ASP.NET Server Controls and Data Binding Chapter 17: Building RealWorld Web Applications Chapter 18: ObjectRelational Mapping in .NET Chapter 19: Mapped Objects: Performance Considerations and Data Binding Chapter 20: COM Interoperability and ADO.NET Chapter 21: Messaging Chapter 22: SQL Server and ADO.NET: Notes on Performance Appendix A: Relational Databases: Some Basic Concepts Appendix B: Commonly Used SQL Statements Appendix C: ADO.NET Frequently Asked Questions.

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