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  JXTA in a Nutshell

Jxta In A Nutshell

by Bernard Traversat,Scott Oaks,Li Gong

  Price : Rs 225.00
  Your Price : Rs 191.25
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  In February 2001, Sun Microsystems announced a paradigm shift in Java networking technology: JXTA. Pioneered by Bill Joy, one of Sun Microsystems key innovators, JXTA provides an innovative framework that allows Java programmers to take advantage of the new peer topeer (P2P) networking protocol without getting bogged down in the low level details. But how do you use JXTA? And what can it do for you? JXTA in a Nutshell is both a tutorial and a quick reference, forged in the spirit of OReillys bestselling Java in a Nutshell. Written by key members of the JXTA programming team, this book aims to get you up to speed with JXTA in as short a time as possible. JXTA in a Nutshell includes: An in depth introduction to P2P networking concepts and the JXTA model Coverage of the JXTA Shell application, peers, pipes, and the discovery service Discussions of important security considerations for JXTA applications A plethora of ready to run examples on writing efficient JXTA applications A handy quick reference for all of the JXTA API classes Several important official JXTA specifications.The word JXTA is an abbreviation for "juxtapose," in recognition that some of the most functional computer networks use peers that work side by side. So if youre a Java expert looking to explore P2P, then this is the technology for you. Even if youre just curious about P2P, youll find that JXTA offers a world of possibilities for even the simplest networking applications. But the best way to get started with JXTA is to understand the fundamentals and to start writing solid code. This book helps you with both.ABOUT THE AUTHORSScott Oaks is a Java Technologist at Sun Microsystems, where he has worked since 1987. While at Sun, he has specialized in many disparate technologies, from the SunOS kernel to network programming and RPCs. Since 1995, he`s focused primarily on Java and bringing Java technology to endusers. Scott also authored O`Reilly`s Java Security, Java Threads and Jini in a Nutshell titles.Bernard Traversat is one of the lead senior architect of Project JXTA at Sun Microsystems since the project started. Currently, he is acting as engineering manager leading the Sun core engineering team and evangilizing JXTA to the open source community and Sun customers and partners.Li Gong is a wellknown developer in the Java Community and an active member of the Project JXTA. Li is the JXTA Engineering Director for the JXTA CORE.

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