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  Loosely Coupled: The Missing Pieces of Web Services

Loosely Coupled: The Missing Pieces Of Web Services

by Doug Kaye

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 297.50
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  Loosely Coupled is the first book to address the advanced issues of web servicescurrently the hottest topic in IT. While the authors of earlier webservices books approached the topic through the technologies and protocols (which are changing on a monthtomonth basis), Doug Kaye has collaborated with the field`s most respected technologists to create the ultimate strategic guide to web services for IT managers and executives. Loosely Coupled addresses the most difficult aspects of web services including security, reliable messaging, and longlived loosely coupled asynchronous transactions. These are the concepts of web services that the experts agree will ultimately be the most important, but for which the standards, protocols, and tools don`t yet exist. Doug Kaye explains these missingpiece challenges, describes the ultimate solutions, and helps the reader develop a webservices strategy for his or her organization.About the AuthorDoug Kaye is a highly respected ITstrategy consultant and lecturer. He is the author of the IT Strategy Letter, a weekly newsletter. His first book, Strategies for Web Hosting and Managed Services (John Wiley & Sons, 2002, ISBN 0471085782) is regarded as the ultimate authority for the webhosting industry and its customers. Kaye`s IT career spans nearly three decades during which he has served in a variety of CEO and CTO positions.

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