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  MCSD in a Nutshell: The Visual Basic Exams

Mcsd In A Nutshell: The Visual Basic Exams

by James Foxall

  Price : Rs 250.00
  Your Price : Rs 212.50
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  Since their introduction, the MCSD certification exams have been enthusiastically received by VB programmers who consider certification very important to their professional credibility. Programmers tend to be specialiststhey tend to do the same kind of programming over and over. The MCSD exam is targeted at technical generalistsdevelopers familiar with a broad array of Microsoft technologies and development approaches that are incorporated into Visual Basic. With its comprehensive overview of core technology areas, MCSD in a Nutshell is the perfect study guide and resource to help developers master technologies that are less familiar to them. In fact, its thorough review of Visual Basicrelated development technologies also makes this an excellent tutorial for experienced VB programmers who wish to get up to speed on speed on some technology with which they work infrequently, if at all. Most certification books are really tutorials in disguise. In contrast, this book focuses on the advanced topics about which developers are actually tested on the exam. Topics include: Understanding COM Creating ActiveX Code Components Creating ActiveX Controls Creating and Using ActiveX Documents Creating InternetAware Applications Testing and Debugging Integrating Help with an Application Optimizing an Application Package and Deployment Incorporating Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS)Incredibly, most certification books appear to assume that the reader has no prior experience with VB programming. In contrast, this book assumes an intermediate to advanced programmer who is concerned with learning more about each of the core technologies that are covered by the exam. And unlike some certification books, MCSD in a Nutshell is written by an author who has successfully passed the certification exams.

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