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  Gender, Peace And Conflict

Gender, Peace And Conflict

by Inger Skjelsbaek, Dan Smith

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 445.50
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  CONTENTS : Foreword by ANGELA E. V. KING/ Introduction INGER SKJELSBAEK AND DAN SMITH/ women, peace and the united nations : Beyond Beijing DOROTA GIERYCZ/ The problem of essentialism DAN SMITH/ Is feemininity inherently peaceful? The construction of femininity in the war inger skjelsbaek/Women, war, men & pacifism MICAHEL SALLA/ Gender, power and politics : An alternative perspective ERROL MILLER/Women in political decision making : from critical mass to critical acts in scandinavia drude dahlerup/promoting peace, security and conflict resolution : gender balance in decision- making ANURADHA MITRA CHENOY and ACHIN VANAIK/Integrating a gender perspect in conflict resolution : The colombian case EVA IRENE TUFT/ The use of women and the role of women in the yogoslave war SVETLANA SLAPSAK/Gender Difference in conflict resolution : The case of sri lanka KUNUDINI SAMUEL/Bibliography/index. International Research Institute, oslo, 2001, 228 pages. 0-7619-6853-9.

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