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  Forensic Dentistry

Forensic Dentistry

by Mertz

  Price : Rs 3697.00
  Your Price : Rs 3697.00
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  ABOUT THE BOOK:-Identification of unknown individuals and the determination of their age, race, and sex is one of the most important functions of forensic dentistry. Throughout history, this procedure has been used to establish difficult identifications, including Adolph Hitler, Eva Braun, Lee Harvey Oswald, and actor William Holden. Other essential applications of forensic dentistry include mass disaster investigations, evaluating bite marks and bitemark evidence in death investigations, child abuse investigations, and in civil litigation for evaluating oral or temporomandibular injuries related to accidents. This book explains these procedures in a comprehensive way that takes you step-by-step through the world of forensic dental investigations.
The areas of forensic dentistry have come a long way in recent years. New and unique discussions offer information that will benefit professionals faced with many of the current aspects of the science. Topics include how to deal with a trial or an aggressive attorney and how to assess buried crime scene evidence (the application of forensic geotaphonomy in forensic archaeology).
Forensic Dentistry illustrates the proper handling and evaluation of dental evidence. Its broad coverage also includes important information for legal and police science professionals who must properly evaluate and present dental findings. This book covers all standard examination practices of dental evidence, including identification of unknown individuals (age, race, sex).
Whether you are a medical examiner or a pathologist who needs to know about the proper handling and evaluation of dental evidence, a legal or police science professional who needs to know how to deal with the proper presentation of dental findings in a court of law, or a dentist who wants to use your training and experience in a unique, interesting, and challenging way, this book is for you!

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