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  Vegetable Breeding Vols. 1, 2 And 3 Combined Edn.

Vegetable Breeding Vols. 1, 2 And 3 Combined Edn.

by Kalloo, G.

  Price : Rs 1500.00
  Your Price : Rs 1500.00
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  This work covers the basic, applied and current status of the various topics which are relevant to the subject are covered. Reproduction, pollination control mechanisms, natural breeding system, floral biology, hybridization techniques and biometrical aproaches are some basic and primary aspects that are needed for the planning and execution of a breeding programme. CONTENTS : Reproduction, pollination contrul mechanisms, natural breeding systems, and hybridization techniques in vegetable crops. Biometrical aproaches and their application in vegetable breeding. Breeding methods in vegetable crops. Herosis in vegetable crops. Distant hybridization in vegetable crops. Polyploidy breeding in vegetable crops. Nematode resistance in vegetable crops. Breeding vegetable crops for tolerance to stress environments. Genetic resources in vegetable crops. Breedeing for quality and processing attributes in vegetable crops. Breeding for physiology attributes in vegetable. Somatic cell genetics and biotechnological applications in vegetable crops. Index. 1994 (HB)

Pages :
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