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  Linux CookBook

Linux Cookbook

by Carla Schroder

  Price : Rs 525.00
  Your Price : Rs 446.25
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  This unique and valuable collection of tips, tools, and scripts provides clear, concise, handson solutions that can be applied to the challenges facing anyone running a network of Linux servers from small networks to large data centers in the practical and popular problemsolutiondiscussion O`Reilly cookbook format.The Linux Cookbook covers everything you`d expect: backups, new users, and the like. But it also covers the nonobvious information that is often ignored in other books the timesinks and headaches that are a real part of an administrator`s job, such as: dealing with odd kinds of devices that Linux historically hasn`t supported well, building multiboot systems, and handling things like video and audio.The knowledge needed to install, deploy, and maintain Linux is not easily found, and no Linux distribution gets it just right. Scattered information can be found in a pile of man pages, texinfo files, and source code comments, but the best source of information is the experts themselves who built up a working knowledge of managing Linux systems. This cookbook`s proven techniques distill years of hardwon experience into practical cutandpaste solutions to everyday Linux dilemmas.Use just one recipe from this varied collection of realworld solutions, and the hours of tedious trialanderror saved will more than pay for the cost of the book. But those who prefer to learn handson will find that this cookbook not only solves immediate problems quickly, it also cuts right to the chase pointing out potential pitfalls and illustrating tested practices that can be applied to a myriad of other situations.Whether you`re responsible for a small Linux system, a huge corporate system, or a mixed Linux/Windows/MacOS network, you`ll find valuable, tothepoint, practical recipes for dealing with Linux systems everyday. The Linux Cookbook is more than a timesaver; it`s a sanity saver.About the Author Carla Schroder Carla Schroder is a selftaught Linux and Windows sysadmin, who laid hands on her first computer around her 37th birthday. Her first PC was a Macintosh LC II. Next came an IBMclone, a 386sx running MSDOS 5 and Windows 3.1, with a 14" color display, which was adequate for many pleasant hours of DOOM play. Then around 1997 she discovered Red Hat 5.0, and had a whole new world to explore.Somewhere along the way she found herself doing freelance consulting for small businesses and home users, supporting both Linux and Windows users, and integrating Linux and Windows on the LAN; primarily Linux servers and Windows clients. She is the author of the Linux Cookbook for O`Reilly, and writes Linux howtos for several computer publications. ISBN: 9788173668449

Pages : 590
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