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  Programming Web Services with XML-RPC

Programming Web Services With Xml-Rpc

by Simon St.Laurent,Joe Johnston,Edd Dumbill,Dave Winer

  Price : Rs 175.00
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  Have you ever needed to share processing between two or more computers running programs written in different languages on different operating systems? Or have you ever wanted to publish information on the Web so that programs other than browsers could work with it? XMLRPC, a system for remote procedure calls built on XML and the ubiquitous HTTP protocol, is the solution you`ve been looking for. Programming Web Services with XMLRPC introduces the simple but powerful capabilities of XMLRPC, which lets you connect programs running on different computers with a minimum of fuss, by wrapping procedure calls in XML and establishing simple pathways for calling functions. With XMLRPC, Java programs can talk to Perl scripts, which can talk to Python programs, ASP applications, and so on. You can provide access to procedure calls without having to worry about the system on the other end, so it`s easy to create services that are available on the Web. XMLRPC isn`t the only solution for web services; the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is another muchhyped protocol for implementing web services. While XMLRPC provides fewer capabilities than SOAP, it also has far fewer interoperability problems and its capabilities and limitations are much better understood. XMLRPC is also stable, with over 30 implementations on a wide variety of platforms, so you can start doing real work with it immediately. Programming Web Services with XMLRPC covers the details of five XMLRPC implementations, so you can get started developing distributed applications in Java, Perl, Python, ASP, or PHP. The chapters on these implementations contain code examples that you can use as the basis for your own work. This book also provides indepth coverage of the XMLRPC specification, which is helpful for lowlevel debugging of XMLRPC clients and servers. And if you want to build your own XMLRPC implementation for another environment, the detailed explanations in this book will serve as a foundation for that work.About the AuthorSimon St. Laurent is a web developer, network administrator, computer book author, and XML troublemaker living in Ithaca, NY. His books include XML: A Primer, XML Elements of Style, Building XML Applications, Cookies, and Sharing Bandwidth. He is a contributing editor to XMLhack.com and an occasional contributor to XML.com.Joe Johnston is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts in Boston with a B.A. in computer science, he is a teacher, web designer, and author of articles for Perl Journal, Perl.com, and IBMs DeveloperWorks. Joe helps maintain the ASP XMLRPC library and wrote the Perl module Frontier::Responder.pm. Edd is Managing Editor of XML.com. He also writes free software, and packages Bluetoothrelated software for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution. Edd is the creator of XMLhack and WriteTheWeb, and has a weblog called Behind the Times. ISBN 9788173662072

Pages : 240
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