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  Plant Pathology 4th Edn.

Plant Pathology 4Th Edn.

by Agrios, G. N.

  Price : Rs 750.00
  Your Price : Rs 750.00
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  This is the fourth edition of Agrios` classic and comprehensive tedt providing exhaustive pedagogical coverge of fungal, viral, bacterial, nematode and other plant diseases and epidemiology. It is also covers genetics of resistance and modernn management o fplants. Thoroughly updated in a new and larger format, and including a new sectionn of color plates, this book continues to be the simplified textbook and the complete resource that Students, Faculty and Professionals turn to when in need of well organized,essential information regarding the pathology of plants. The chapters have been especially revised to cover the explosive growth of knowledge in plant pathology that has occurred during the past few yerar. Highllights : Thoroughly revised and updated, including 30% more new material. The latest basic information of molecular techniques and biology control. Comprehensive in coverage : Numerous excllent new digrams and photogaphs that now also include a new section of color paltes * New enlarged format * A large variety of disease examples for instuctors to choose for their courses. * CONTENTS : Introduction: Parasitism and disease development. How pathogens attack plants. Effects of pathogens on pathogens on plants Physiological Functions. How plants defend themselves against pathogens,. Genetics of plant disesaes. Environmental factors that cause plant diseases. Plant diseases. Plant Diseases Caused by Fungi. Plant Diseases caused by prokaryotes. Bacteria and Molecules. Plant diseases caused by Nematodes. Plant Diseases Caused by Flagellate Protozoa. Subject Index. 2000 Paperback

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