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  Mathematical Circles (russian Experience)

Mathematical Circles (Russian Experience)

by Fomin, D., Genkin, S. & Itenberg, I.

  Price : Rs 795.00
  Your Price : Rs 675.75
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  It is a book produced by a remarkable cultural circumstance in the former Soviet Union which fostered the creation of groups of students, teachers, and mathematicians called “Mathematical Circles”. The work is predicated on the idea that studying mathematics can generate the same enthusiasm as playing a team
sport—without necessarily being competitive. This book is intended for both students and teachers who love mathematics and want to study its various branches beyond the limits of the school curriculum. It is also a book of mathematical recreations and, at the same time, a book containing vast theoretical and problem material in main areas of what authors consider to be
“extracurricular mathematics”. The book is based on the unique experience gained by several generations of Russian educators and scholars. *Contents Part I. The first year of education; Chapter zero; Parity; Combinatorics-1; Divisibility and remainders; The pigeon hole principle; Graphs-1; The triangle inequality; Games; Problems for the first year; Part II. The second year of education; Induction; Divisibility-2: Congruence and diophantine equations; Combinatorics-2; Invariants; Graphs-2; Geometry; Number bases; Inequalities; Problems for the second year; Appendix A: Mathematical contests; Appendix B: Answers, Hints, Solutions; Appendix C: References. 288pp. (1998) 230 × 150mm ISBN 97881 7371 115 2

Pages : 288
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