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  Whole World On Fire: Organisations, Knowledge and Nuclear Weapons Devastation

Whole World On Fire: Organisations, Knowledge And Nuclear Weapons Devastation

by Lynn Eden

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 542.10
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  Whole World On Fire focusses on a technical riddle wrapped in an organisation mystery: How and Why , for more than half a century did the US Government fail to predict nuclear fire damage as it drew up plans to fight stratigic nuclear war? The book shows how well -funded and highly professional organisations , by focusing on what they do well and systematically excluding what they don`t do well. may build a poor representation of the world - a self reinforcing fallacy that can have serious consequences. In a sweeping conclusion, the author shows the implications of this analysis for understanding such things as the sinking of the Titanic, the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, and the poor fireproofing in the World Trade Centre.

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