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  Java Swing, 2nd Edition

Java Swing, 2Nd Edition

by Marc Loy,Robert Eckstein,Dave Wood,James Elliott

  Price : Rs 1750.00
  Your Price : Rs 1487.50
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  Swing is a fullyfeatured user interface development kit for Java applications. Building on the foundations of the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT), Swing enables crossplatform applications to use any of several pluggable lookandfeels. Swing developers can take advantage of its rich, flexible features and modular components, building elegant user interfaces with very little code.This second edition of Java Swing thoroughly covers all the features available in Java 2 SDK 1.3 and 1.4. More than simply a reference, this new edition takes a practical approach. It is a book by developers for developers, with hundreds of useful examples, from beginning level to advanced, covering every component available in Swing.All these features mean that there`s a lot to learn. Even setting aside its platform flexibility, Swing compares favorably with any widely available user interface toolkitit has great depth. Swing makes it easy to do simple things but is powerful enough to create complex, intricate interfaces.Whether you`re a seasoned Java developer or just trying to find out what Java can do, you`ll find Java Swing, 2nd edition an indispensable guide.Java Swing, 2nd edition includes :A new chapter on Drag and DropAccessibility features for creating a user interface meeting the needs of all usersCoverage of the improved key binding infrastructure introduced in SDK 1.3A new chapter on JFormattedTextField and input validationMac OS X coverage and examplesCoverage of the improved focus system introduced in SDK 1.4Pluggable LookandFeel coverageCoverage of the new layout manager, SpringLayout, from SDK 1.4Properties tables that summarize important features of each componentCoverage of the 1.4 Spinner componentDetails about using HTML in componentsA new appendix listing bound actions for each componentA supporting web site with utilities, examples, and supplemental materials ISBN: 9788173665684

Pages : 1288
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