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  Paritosh Sen In Retrospect

Paritosh Sen In Retrospect

by Manasij Majumder, Ella Datta, Kunal Chakraborti And Paritosh Sen

  Price : Rs 1200.00
  Your Price : Rs 936.00
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  At 83, Paritosh Sen towers above many of his contemporaties in the rare quality of his creative personality unwithered by age and exuding an aura and charisma that are the sterling gifts of his experience. This quality comes most naturally to nestle in him through all the splendours of his decades-long experience as a painter, writer and a perceptive and sensitive participant in the social and cultural milieu of his time. These facets of his personality can be glimpased in the assemblage of Sen`s oeuvre his first retrospective with a selection of works covering more than 60 years of his creative life, beginnig at the end of the 30s, when the Bengal School movement still retained much of its hold over the Indian art scene. Sen`s spirit of experimentation and adventure has taken him far and wide. throughout his oeuvre a touch of humour is almost always present, as is a measure of pain. He is also a major author in Bengali, acclaimed for his highly individualistic and metalic prose. Manasij Majumder thoght English in a college under Calcutta University as a reader and writes on art and literature in Bengali and English. Ella Datta, journalist and senior consultant editor for the Telegraph, has authored many arrticles on art and culture and a book on the well known artist Ganesh Pyne. Dr. Kunal Chakravarty, Professor of Ancient Indian History at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, is author of Religious Process: The Puranas and the Making of a Regional Tradition. ISBN: 81-85822-93-X

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