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  Plant Biochemistry

Plant Biochemistry

by Dey P. M.

  Price : Rs 550.00
  Your Price : Rs 550.00
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  Plant Biochemistry provides students and researchers in the plant scence with a concise, up-to-date account of the biochemical basis of the major metabolic processes in plants, written by experts in the field. The coverage of the subject is divided into four sections : 1. The plant cell-describing both molecular components and function. 2. Primary metabolism- including the pathways of carbohydrate, lipid. nitrogen, nucleic acid and protein metabolism as well as gene regulation. 3. Special metabolism-chapters on phenolics, isoprenoids and secondery nitrogen compounds. 4. The plant and the environment- discussions of pathology, ecology and biotechnology at the molecular level. The emphasis is on plant metabolism, but functional, regulatory, and molecular biological aspects have been covered, as well as illustrations of pathways, structural featuresm and bibliographies. This book will be of interest to a wide audiencd from final year undergraduate to active researchers in the field. * CONTENTS : The plant, the cell and its molecular components. Photosynthesis. carbohydrate metabolism: Primary metabolism of monosaccharides. carbohydrate metabolism : Storage carbohydrates. carbohydrate metabolism : Structural carbohydrates. Plant lipid metanbolism. Primary introgen metabolism. Nucleic acids and proteins. Regulation of gene expression in plants. Phenolic metabolism. Isoprenoid metabolism. Special nitrogen metabolism. Biochemical plant pathgology. Biochemical plant ecology. Plant cell biotechnology. 2000 P. B.

Pages :
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