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  An Introduction To Mechanics, 1/e

An Introduction To Mechanics, 1/E

by Kleppner

  Price : Rs 599.00
  Your Price : Rs 509.15
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  This text was developed from a first year course where the mechanics has been presented in an engaging form which offers a strong base for future work in pure and applied science. This book is primarily for students who come to the course knowing some calculus, enough to differentiate and integrate simple functions. It has also been successfully used in course requiring only concurrent registration of calculus. Examples have been provided in order to develop the problesm-solving ability of students. Some of the examples, particularly in the early chapters are essentially pedagogical. Many examples, however, illustrate principles and techniques by application to problems of real physical interest. * Contents : List of Examples. Preface. To the teacher: 1. Vectors and Kinematics : A Feew Mathematical Preliminaries 2. Newton`s Laws : The Foundations of Newtonian Mechanics 3. Momentum 4. Work and Energy 5. Some Mathematical aspects of Force and Energy 6. Angular Momentum and Fixed Axis Rotation 7. Rigid Body Motion and the Conservation of Angular Momentum 8. Noninertial Systems and Factitious Forces 9. Central Forces Motion 10. The Harmonic Oscillator 11. The Special Theory of Relativity 12. Relativistic Kinematics 13. Relativistic Momentum and Enrgy 14. Four Vectors and Relativistic Invariance Index. ISBN : 9780070647787

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