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  Programming Web Services with SOAP

Programming Web Services With Soap

by James Snell,Doug Tidwell,Pavel Kulchenko

  Price : Rs 200.00
  Your Price : Rs 170.00
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  The web services architecture provides a new way to think about and implement applicationtoapplication integration and interoperability that makes the development platform irrelevant. Two applications, regardless of operating system, programming language, or any other technical implementation detail, communicate using XML messages over open Internet protocols such as HTTP or SMTP. The Simple Open Access Protocol (SOAP) is a specification that details how to encode that information and has become the messaging protocol of choice for Web services. Programming Web Services with SOAP is a detailed guide to using SOAP and other leading web services standardsWSDL (Web Service Description Language), and UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration protocol). You`ll learn the concepts of the web services architecture and get practical advice on building and deploying web services in the enterprise. This authoritative book decodes the standards, explaining the concepts and implementation in a clear, concise style. You`ll also learn about the major toolkits for building and deploying web services. Examples in Java, Perl, C#, and Visual Basic illustrate the principles. Significant applications developed using Java and Perl on the Apache Tomcat web platform address real issues such as security, debugging, and interoperability. Covered topic areas include: The Web Services Architecture SOAP envelopes, headers, and encodings WSDL and UDDI Writing web services with Apache SOAP and Java Writing web services with Perl`s SOAP::Lite Peertopeer (P2P) web services Enterprise issues such as authentication, security, and identity Upandcoming standards projects for web services.Programming Web Services with SOAP provides you with all the information on the standards, protocols, and toolkits you`ll need to integrate information services with SOAP. You`ll find a solid core of information that will help you develop individual Web services or discover new ways to integrate core business processes across an enterprise. About the AuthorsJames Snell is a member of IBMs emerging software technologies team where his work is dedicated to the evolving Web services architecture. Doug Tidwell is a senior programmer at IBM. He has more than a sixth of a century of programming experience, and has been working with markup languages for more than a decade. He was a speaker at the first XML conference in 1997, and has taught XML classes around the world. His job as a Cyber Evangelist is to look busy and to help people use new technologies to solve problems. Using a pair of zirconencrusted tweezers, he holds a masters degree in computer science from Vanderbilt University and a bachelors degree in English from the University of Georgia. He lives in Raleigh, North Carolina, with his wife, cooking teacher Sheri Castle (see her web site at http://www.sheriinc.com) and their daughter Lily.Pavel Kulchenko Email: paulclinger@yahoo.com has over 10 years of experience in design and development of complex financial and banking applications, and information management in the financial services sector. Pavel is the author and maintainer of the popular SOAP::Lite module for SOAP clients and servers in Perl, the XMLRPC::Lite module that implements XMLRPC protocol, and the UDDI::Lite module, a client interface for UDDI repositories.

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