There have been histories of the world before; there are available in large number histories of all countries, but there is not, and it may be doubted if there has ever been attempted before, a scientific world history. This work is, as far as it can possibly be, a universal history of the universe. This is a far reaching claim to make, but a mere glance through the names of those whose services have been enlisted fo the work will establish its authenticity. The contributors include some of the foremost and eminent names from the sciences whose function here is hold the lamp of science upto history. The story in this set begins from the beginning and unfolds into eight grand divisions, such as : MAN AND THE UNIVERSE, THE FAR EAST, THE MIDDLE EAST, AFRICA, THE NEAR EAST, EUROPE, AMERICA, THE TRIUMPH OF THE MIND OF MAN. To the creators of this work the world is not merely an aggregation of countries under more or less settled governments, nor is a country merely a seat of a political system. They cohnceive the earth as a part of the universe, as one world among many and this the story of a huge ball flying ihn space, on which men and women live, on which mighty nations rise and rule and pass awazy, on which great empires crumble into dust. It is entrancing book of man and the universe, the life story of all nations. It is common place to say of a great work that is uniqyue, and that there would at first sight seems to be a pecular preassumption in making such a claim for STORY OF THE CIVILIZATION. It may be claimed, however, without any fear of contradition, that his work has no rival in the english language. This set is made more interesting with the inclusion of more than 8000 illustrations and an exclusive detailed index. ISBN 81-7020-523-9., size 22 14 cm., pages 7000, illustrations, drawings, woodcuts, cloth.