Mind liberation is a process of unwinding through unlearning. A free mind is inclusive and absorbs more when in a liberated state. On the other hand, a tense mind has limited space for anything new. It clings to dogmas and detests change. Unless you learn to let go, you`ll experience shrinkage of mind space—in short, frustration.This is where the importance of spirituality comes in. Spirituality blends philosophy and psychology. Cutting across religious boundaries, you`ll find that there`s common groundin spiritual literature to inspire and lift your spirits when the chips are down.In this book, the author has included case studies drawn from real-life work situations to help you through experience simulation. Come and discover the ways to transform frustration into fulfillment! From Frustration to Fulfillment is a complete recipe for corporate and family management.
ISBN : 9789388423786
Pages : 260