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  Habit Stacking

Habit Stacking

by S. J. Scott

  Price : Rs 399.00
  Your Price : Rs 327.18
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  It`s easy to think of a dozen ways to instantly improve your life. Odds are, these ideas will only take a few minutes apiece to complete. The problem? You might feel like there`s not enough time to do all of them. One solution can be found using the power of “habit stacking.”The essence of habit stacking is to take a series of small changes (like eating a piece of fruit or sending a loving text message to your significant other) and build a ritual that you follow on a daily basis.Habit stacking works because you eliminate the stress of trying to change too many things at once. Your goal is to simply focus on a single routine that only takes about 15 to 30 minutes to complete. Within this routine is a series if actions (or small changes). All you have to do is to create a checklist and follow it every single day.In this book you will discover 127 small habits that can instantly improve your life. Plus you`ll discover how to create a simple routine (managed by a checklist) that you repeat on a daily basis. Even better, you`ll discover a few tools that will keep you motivated and consistent. So even if you`re completely stressed out, you`ll still find the time and energy to complete these actions on a consistent basis.

ISBN : 9788195062720

Pages : 284
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