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  Insurgency and the Artist

Insurgency And The Artist

by Vinay Lal

  Price : Rs 2495.00
  Your Price : Rs 2245.50
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  Reversible Jacket With Poster\r\n\r\n\r\nInsurgency and the Artist explores not merely how Indian printmakers and artists responded to the freedom struggle but rather how the art they fashioned invoked their own conception of the nation, their sense of the past, and the contours of the movement for India\u2019s emancipation from the yoke of colonial oppression. Recent scholarly work has been almost entirely riveted on nationalist prints, and much of it has focused on the idea of Bharat Mata, but this book seeks to furnish a more rounded account of the artwork\u2014including etchings, paintings, woodblocks prints, and cartoons\u2014contemporary to the freedom struggle and also highlights the work of neglected artists such as Babuji Shilpi, S.L. Parasher, Zainul Abedin, and M.V. Dhurandhar, among others. The author considers how the Indian past was rendered as one of martial resistance to \u2018foreign\u2019 rule, the manner in which artists worked with mythic material, and, of course, the treatment of the larger-thanlife figures of Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, Subhas Bose, and other patriots in nationalist art. This gloriously illustrated work simultaneously offers a narrative history of the freedom struggle and the rich interplay of text and images is designed to offer insights that neither conventional histories nor images can offer in isolation. Insurgency and the Artist is also an inquiry into how ideas travel across borders, the porousness of culture, and the relationship of art to politics.

ISBN : 9789392130885

Pages : 260
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