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  Understanding and Scouting With Physically Handicapped

Understanding And Scouting With Physically Handicapped

by O.P. Goyal

  Price : Rs 880.00
  Your Price : Rs 642.40
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  The term “disability” refers to a wide variety of conditions, including blindness, deafness, mental retardation, and mobility impairments. Some health professional also consider the term to encompass learning disabilities, mental illness such as autism, and chronic or long-term illness such as epilepsy, diabetes, cancer, or AIDS. The social, legal educational and ethical issues faced by different segments of disabled persons are elaborately described in the present volume. It gives practical advice to legal, professional and academic people to mainstream the disabled form their tragic conditions. It also provides guidelines to individuals with disabilities to enable them to raise self-confidence, overcome challenges become the part of nation building. Besides disabled people, policy makers, academics, counsellors, social workers and teachers and trainers will find this work of utmost use.

ISBN : 9788182051461

Pages : 340
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