The author’s name, owing to its frequent mention in histories and in works on precious stones, has long been known as that of one of the most renowned travellers of the 17th century. Possibly it would not be incorrect to speak of him as in some respects the most renowned traveller during that period when so much was done to bring home to the people of Europe information about countries which had previously been but little known. Such being the case, it is not only somewhat surprising that there should be so much error in the published accounts of his life, but also that his Travels, although they have been frequently issued in various languages, have not, as a whole, been subjected to critical examination and elucidation with the aid of our modern knowledge of the countries which they describe. In the present volumes it is sought to present an approximately literal translation of the portion of the Travels which refer to India, accompanying it by such identifications of localities with modern sites, and such elucidation of obscure points, as have been possible. This book contains one portrait of the author and four illustrations.
ISBN : 9788121220774
Pages : 495