The Tamil Classical Dictionary compiled by Mootootambi Pillay is the result of many years of untiring efforts and laborious work, and aims at doing for Tamil what the noted scholar Dr Johnson did for the English language. It has won the approval of competent Tamil scholars and other eminent author heartily wish its compiler the success which his conscientious labours deserve. A good Tamil dictionary will do much to promote the study of the Tamil language both among Tamilians and Europeans themselves. It is hoped that it may move the Education Department of the Madras University to give more encouragement to the South India Vernaculars and fully realise their importance. It is said that this Dictionary is the first real contribution scholarship by a graduate of the Madras University since its establishment many years ago. Mootootambi Pillay has set an example which many graduates of the university will follow in the future. It will be a real gain to the life of the Indian people when their most highly educated men learn to express their knowledge and ideas which they derive from the West in their own Vernaculars. So, this Dictionary will prove to be a handy one in the context of the Tamil language.
ISBN : 9788121242387
Pages : 413