This series will explore the Ramayana, a curious amalgamation of the aforementioned three mediums of teaching. For instance, it contains elements of Prabhusammita: , goes the adage: Ramayana is the equivalent of the Vedas. When the Paramapurusha, who is known through the Vedas, was born as Rama, the Vedas themselves took upon the form of Ramayana and were written by Valmiki Maharshi. As Ramayana is an Itihasa, it also takes upon aspects of Suhrtsammita. That which expounds on the four Purusharthas (Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha) while also detailing historical events is known as an Itihasa. The Ramayana encases these qualities in numerous events – in the cases of the KacchitSarga in Ayodhya Kanda, Vishwamitra’s teachings to Rama, the Aditya Hrdaya, etc. Ramayana is also the earliest example of Kaantaasammita in Indian literature. Ramayana is the – the first epic – and Valmiki is the – the first and greatest of poets.