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  The Queen’s Daughters in India

The Queen’S Daughters In India

by Elizabeth W. Andrew And Katharine C. Bushnell

  Price : Rs 550.00
  Your Price : Rs 401.50
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  This little book is written under a deep sense of obligation to the womanhood of the world, but more especially under a sense of duty to God. A group of women of the British aristocracy have lifted their voices in advocacy of licensed vice; and their sycophants and admirers in England and America are either re-echoing their plea or excusing their conduct. The plea is made primarily for India, but incidentally for all Christendom, and every effort is being put forth, openly or covertly, to contaminate public sentiment on this point In five States of America, in a little over a year, the attempt has been made to secure legislation for the compulsory periodical examination of women; and a strong organization exists on both sides of the water to promote this infamous object. Excuses are made for the shallow -brained sophistry of those who pretend that the compulsory periodical examination of women can be divorced from the moral debasement of women, and as though such compulsory examination were something quite unlike the notorious Contagious Diseases Acts. High titles and famous names are quoted as a warrant for advocating the iniquity ; and certain men are being exalted as though famous temperance advocates, who are not themselves total abstainers, and who are well- known public advocates of licensed fornication.

ISBN : 9788121264990

Pages : 132
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The Queen’s Daughters in India
by Elizabeth W. Andrew and Katharine C. Bushnell
The Queen’s Daughters in India
by Elizabeth W. Andrew and Katharine C. Bushnell
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