The author has delved deep into the ancient history and literature to know the origin of the Bengali script. At the time of doing research, he follows in a published essay on the origin and development of the Bengali script; one must necessarily follow the steps of the late Hofrata Dr Georg Buhler, the father of the science of the Indian Paleography. The work, as a matter of course, was short of concise, and dealt with the development of Indian alphabets up to the Twelfth century A.D. The development of alphabets from B.C. 350 to 600 A.D. is clearly described in this work. But after that period, lack of materials obliged the learned author to consider the development of the Northern alphabets as a whole, and not according to its varieties. The discoveries made during the last sixteen years rendered it possible to take up that work now. The book is the product of extensive study of this script. The subject of the book is good in the context of the researchers of the Bengali language. The illustrations and inscriptions made it more worth readable and informative.