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  The Nature of God

The Nature Of God

by B. B. Dandekar

  Price : Rs 450.00
  Your Price : Rs 328.50
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  About the Book, This book is a rationalist attempt to resolve the conflict between evil and meaning and purpose to the Universe. It examines the scientific evidence, and with deduction, logic, and sound reasoning, it sets forth a revolutionary concept of the nature of God. As Sherlock Holmes once said: when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. God is not on trial! The book neither defends God nor prosecutes him; the reader is not the jury. In the end each thinking of the book, must examine the evidence as presented, and draw his or her own conclusions on all of the issues that are discussed: Does God have free will—or just a decision-making capability?—but did this also give rise to the very first emotion in organisms—fear? Is compassion the highest morality? Is life a work in progress? When compassion becomes instinctive will evil disappear? When it all ends is resurrection scientifically possible? Because it is the answers to all of these questions that truly determine the nature of God.,

ISBN : 9788121212274

Pages : 151
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