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  Peace Loving Nations

Peace Loving Nations

by Nilanjana Sanyal

  Price : Rs 850.00
  Your Price : Rs 620.50
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  It is inconceivable that any lasting peace in our world can be achieved when millions of people die yearly from starvation, disease, poverty and hunger. As such it would be unthinkable to treat peace as a condition characterized simply by worldwide absence of conflict/war. Peace Loving Nations examines the rich/poor divide, globalization, trade and above all, global inequality both in a lighter and serious perspective. For instance, some of the questions which need an answer are: Is Peace only the absence of war; why is it that even affluent nations live in so much of insecurity; why mindless/limitless material consumption/consumerism is a scourge in societies of the world; why should nations continue losing their children to hunger and malnutrition and the importance of human development to achieve dignity. Also, a word on climate change and global warming. A New world is emerging. A world that is moving towards compassion. A world that is moving towards greater tolerance. Towards Peace. There is now more demand for equality than ever before. Under these circumstances, it becomes necessary that we the `Peace-loving Nations` of the world should facilitate the achievement of a more Egalitarian Global Order. This is only a utopian dream. As someone deeply concerned with alternative issues and the meaning of peace, it is my sincere hope that my dream will one day become a reality.

ISBN : 9788178357942

Pages : 364
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