With the aim to reduce to standard rule the Nepali tongue, as spoken at cosmopolitan Darjeeling, is really an entirely new work. In preparing it the author has had the advantage of elaborating critical notes on the first edition by the most exalted authority in Kathmandu; in passing it through the press, the invaluable assistance of the highest authority in Darjeeling; and in meeting the expense, the practical patronage of the Government of Bengal, the advance purchase of an adequate number of copies. On perusing it the student will perhaps allow some of its shortcomings –to be persuaded to learn the native alphabet at the outset—the language is much easier in its own character than in the ill-fitting Roman—and to procure in due course of time. The vocabulary is not so full as in the first edition, but may prove of working utility pending extension in a separate volume. The book is a complete research work on Nepali grammar and vocabulary and very helpful to general readers
ISBN : 9788121244725
Pages : 193