The main purpose of this handbook is to use of young officer recruits, under the orders of the British Indian Government. It is intended primarily for the instruction of young officers, has been to put into an easily accessible form as much information as possible concerning the history, customs, etc., of the men with whom they are serving. It does not, however, profess to give a complete account of the people, and officers are requested to point out to the Adjutant General in India any errors and omissions which they may discover, with a view to the correction and improving of future edition. The book contains the origin, customs, religion, religious festivals and history of the Marathas. It is also discusses Dekhani Musalman’s customs, habits, traditions, calendar and religious festivals and the process of recruitment and the characteristics of the Marathas. It contains map of the recruitment area and a supplement of Maratha king Shivaji.
ISBN : 9788121237604
Pages : 208